In the short term, the indicators below verify that we're on the right track in our mission to create peace between cultures with a history of mutual distrust by engaging youth leaders in a transformative peace-building experience. Our greatest impact, however, lies within the contributions our alumni will make to promote peace and understanding between communities as they grow and succeed.
programs run in five countries
Sarus alumni
international service hours completed
peacekeeping circles facilitated
training hours completed in peacebuilding and leadership
construction projects planned & completed
of participants reported having improved perceptions of neighboring countries upon completion of our programs
independent research projects completed by participants
community members reached through our participant projects
disadvantaged children in Cambodia and Vietnam reached through life skills training and soccer camps
international collaborative service projects completed
completely independent follow-up trip conducted by Sarus alumni to the site of their former project
participants leaving their country for the first time
of alumni contribute to annual fundraising campaign
“Through Sarus, I learned that in order to gain people’s trust I must step out of my comfort zone and open myself up for others. Sarus’ circle meetings helped me to find the courage to speak my mind.”
“There were many things that I used to think were impossible; Sarus has changed my outlook. After only one month, I had so many experiences and gained so much knowledge that I now realize there’s no limit to what I can accomplish.”
“Sarus provided many lessons which I will value for the rest of my life. I’m on the way to defining myself, and Sarus has helped me realize that I need to experience more, travel to more countries, and meet new people.”
“I found so many similarities between Vietnam & Cambodia - in the language, in the food, in the culture, and especially in the people. We had fun, worked together, and took care of each other. My previous misunderstandings were replaced by good memories, respect and love.”
“I felt everyone was speaking and listening from the heart...Everything was very real and true. Everyone was being honest and cried and shared their own feelings. Maybe that is the thing I will miss the most…Now, whenever I feel something, I don’t keep it inside, I try to say it...Now I know how to express myself more.”
“Before I started this program, peace wasn’t in my mind at all,I was just thinking I’m going to go to Myanmar and enjoy it. Peace wasn’t on my radar at all, but on my birthday, my friend brought me a medal – [it said] thank you for bringing peace to my life when it wasn’t peaceful. Now I think if I can do it for her, I can do it for my other friends as well. So now I can be more aware of what is going on in other’s lives.”
“I realized I didn’t think [before] about what the community needs are at all. So now I think about what they need and what I can give them to meet their needs. It was very helpful for me and I shared it
with my friends. I need to adjust those two things...what their needs are and what I can give them.”